Free shipping within most EU countries for orders over 350 EUR. Please make sure that you use and view the correct website: G01 heated bodywarmer with power bank, Solid blac

Innovative, versatile and windproof bodywarmer that offers a homogeneous warmth thanks to its 11 heated pads located on the front, back, and the top of the bodywarmer. You can choose between 3 temperature levels (low, medium, and high). Four different sizes are available: S-M (length 58 cm x chest 48 cm), M-L (length 64 cm x chest 54 cm), and L-XL (length 66 cm x chest 60 cm), XXL- XXXL (length 74 x chest 66 cm). The bodywarmer has been designed with side zippers to be perfectly adapted to any body shape and for people who want to maintain their freedom of movement in cold weather. A 10.000 mAh power bank is included and already connected for easy use. Packed in a TPU pouch (38 x 30 cm).

Article Nr.: 2PX13906
Listprice: 190,81 €Make it cheaper!
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133,56 €/pcs
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127,84 €/pcs
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122,12 €/pcs
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Product size:
3 × L cm
0.59 kg
Country of origin:
China (Prc)
Packaging / export
Packing volume:
11.501 dm3
10 pcs
Carton weight:
5.9 kg
Carton size:
62 × 53 × 35 cm
Carton volume:
0.115 m3
Taric number:
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